Prawo warstwowe. Zagadnienia wybrane (Spatial Property Law. Selected issues)

Scientific Editors: Jacek Jaworski, Bogumił Szmulik

The dynamic economic development of Poland, especially in recent years, has led to a situation where the classically understood property law relating to real estate has become insufficient, especially in the face of future challenges to the Polish economy.

The publication “Prawo warstwowe. Zagadnienia wybrane” (“Spatial Property Law. Selected issues”) prepared by the Institute De Republica includes a number of articles confirming a multithreaded approach to the indicated issue as well as an analysis from several perspectives. The presented papers prove that the issue of spatial property law is of an eminently interdisciplinary nature.

The monograph is intended to become a foundation for further discussion on legal solutions that will result in the implementation of comprehensive and effectively functioning solutions of spatial property law in Poland.

The book “Prawo warstwowe. Zagadnienia wybrane” is the outcome of a scientific conference organised by the Institute De Republica and Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Administracji Publicznej, which was held in 2021.

Publishing premiere: 2022
