Jan Zamoyski – czasy, ludzie, polityka (Jan Zamoyski – times – people – politics)

Scientific editors: Dariusz Karczewski, Bogusław Kopka, Paweł Skrzydlewski

The publication Jan Zamoyski (1542-1605). Czasy – ludzie – polityka (Jan Zamoyski – times – people – politics) is a set of articles in the fields of history, political science, history of culture, art and architecture, whose authors represent over a dozen Polish and foreign academic centres. The common theme of the publication is the person, activity and environment of Jan Zamoyski, the Great Crown Chancellor and the Great Crown Hetman. He was an outstanding statesman, immortalised in Polish history also as a military commander, patron of the arts, as well as founder of the city of Zamość and Akademia Zamojska.

Publishing premiere: 2022
